Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Some more on Delicous....

Seems I'm not the only one unhappy about the new Delicious. Now that's a bit of a turn around for someone who was wary and not overly keen to use it to begin with. But no I gave it a go. Hope I can retrieve what I was saving - it was all for an upcoming presentation I have to do soon! No way of  finding them otherwise....
These came through by RSS feeds not long after I made my discovery early this morn.

Hey Jude  gives a really detailed view. I note she mentions she was given a choice whether or not she wanted to swap over. My account took it upon itself to change without consulting me.That's a bit rude...favouritism?

Delicious MK?

Oh my 'Giddy Aunt'!
Delicious has changed again! Bugger...unless of course you like PORN FOR MEN.  The main page keeps flashing these photo's and sites at me on their new page. Not that I'm a snob but this is NOT what I want a bookmarking tool to do. I saved a new bookmark and now have no way of getting back to my page unless I hit the back button without spending time having a discovery tour. Why should I have to do that  if I never navigated away from it in the first place??? Where are my tag bundles gone? Contacts and the like? oh CRAP. Time to start again with 'Stacks'. ggrrrrrrr.....
Obviously I've not had time to get to know the new format being this time of night and 
I have more important things to do. Homework SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP 
Please...can someone do my homework? No, I'm serious...
One thing I did notice, not many of the old standard features. My Delicious link for followers of this blog has even disappeared...oh I don't know....why, why, why, why?
Maybe I'll have time for a discovery tour some time soon....