Sunday, August 28, 2011

RSS Could there be a more positive side to this application?

I came across a Library in the ACT, the New Gungahlin Library, using a 'Gadget' on their home page that led me to believe it allowed you to specifically target what you want in your feed. Or at least narrow it down to a Blog or eNewsletter. I've been complaining about there not been anything like this for ages. Maybe Australia is setting the pace? It is the first website Ive seen using anything like it! But alas no...just a gadget lookalike. In fact when you click on either one of them it is a link to 'Libraries ACT Blog' and their eNewsletter subscription page. Got my hopes up for nothing!

You never know, one day in the near future you may even be able to narrow it further by subject category. To begin with maybe not too specific...

Web 2.0, Digital Conservation, Book Binding, Book Restoration. 

Or if you really wanted to dream... 
Digital Conservation of 1912 photographs, Book Binding in the 19th Century or repairing torn pages.

Having my curiosity peaked I did some research on Blogger and they don't have anything new that is remotely like it.  Although they are experimenting with some new features, that we are able to take part in. 

Seems Blogger is having one of it's 'glitches' on me! Rotten thing is putting line spacing in where ever it feels like today as well showing Confessions of a Curator having her last post three years ago! Where in fact it was only two days ago. Nothing I do will change either problem - I've tried for hours!


The question posed is... How can Libraries use this extremely popular piece of the 21st Century? I imagine there are many ways possible and all relevant in their own unique way.

For me, when I think YouTube I think...MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC do I feel a song coming on?

On a more serious note, I came across these videos from a blog I follow. I just loved them. This is how Confessions of a Curator is using YouTube as a teaching tool for Web 2.0. It comes from the Folger Shakespeare Library who have their own YouTube Channel. How invaluable is this for information sharing amongst Conservationists, Book binders, for all manner of  restoration and the like across the world? I feel it could be utilised by a great deal more, if only there was time, money and inclination.

This video on Social Media Revolution in 2011 is great. The figures and information it presents is rather confronting if your not up with the latest. A useful tool for it's 'shock' value, that could be used in Libraries to promote the use of these new and rapidly emerging technologies; that are here to stay.
It is not the world as we know it. And all generations are embracing technology in one way or another. Whether they like it, will admit it or realise it or not.

From a popular Australian (yes I have finally found one) University Lecturer and avid blogger Hey Jude we can see her many examples of YouTube video's in her blog; which both enhance and complement the subject she is writing about.

In all I found 'YouTube', this weeks adventure into Web 2.0 well worth it. It's like Google to my mind. Anything and everything can be found here. Used as a teaching tool for Library staff, everyone including the 'readers' would benefit in so many ways. Think outside the square - there are so many different types of Library and employment skills needed in ALL aspects of this industry. It's not just about lending a book or knowing your way around a computer.
In the more financial lending libraries and especially if you have a clever arty type to make some videos, it would be a good way of enticing the 'Digital Natives' to physically come in, visit you and grab a book.    Did I just say that? Am I dreaming? It is a nice thought though.

Now when I think YouTube, I think...

Here's a bit of a ggle for you  

When there is more time and energy in my days I'll get around to editing it on YouTube. It looks like a fun thing to do.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


David Lee King has an informative blog on using Facebook to promote your library. It has lot's of links including one to the magazine American Libraries for which he wrote this particular piece titled 'Facebook for Libraries'.

After reading these and looking at the statistics he uses, as well as seeing how some mainland  Libraries are using Facebook. I'm even keener to see it used at my local. It just makes sense really. 

Personally I am a 'Friend' of a couple of them and find it very unobtrusive when they pop up on my news feed or event invitations are in their compartmentalised section. It's not like some people who I am 'Friends' with and they post hundreds! Now that I find irritating, but I don't want to miss the things that I'm interested in...damned if I keep it, damned if I don't... I digress...

Yes I really like this idea it could be really fun. Would love to see more Australian Libraries embrace it.

I have even started my version. Mother Moonshine's Life Long Learning Library Likes. Come visit.
'Like' me and keep up to date with some of the quirky and sometimes daggy things I include.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Directories, Databases & Indexes


To begin this exercise I decided to try a ‘free online dictionary’, something I had not done previously. 
I chose The Free Dictionary.  The home page is very ‘social media’ like, interesting information, well set out, easy to read and easy to use with a good array of search options. Before doing anything I assessed it for authority. Not as much as I would have liked being that it’s a Wiki, but thought I’d give it ago anyway.

I headed straight to the Dictionary/Thesaurus. At first glance of this page I was suitably impressed and the blurb was not shy in letting you know where they source their information from. As ‘Collins’ is one of them I felt confident in proceeding.
My first searches for Bibliographic Database  and Bibliographic hit the nail on the head for me. The explanations written in a way that is readily grasped and includes links to more definitions related to my search. PERFECT for my assignment exercise.

Then the downfall…..ADS! I was so absorbed with what I was interested in how could I not see them! Oh…and then they stick out like a sore thumb grrrr…. No I just have to pretend they are not there.

Seemingly on a winner I continue with gusto on my quest to finish this assignment.
Index (database) and then ‘Periodical Index (database)’ – no luck with this one but a link to try Technorati is suggested (again no luck) or try each word separately. Happy with my index search I go for Periodical so between the two I can piece together the meaning. Possibly had this Wiki been also contributed to by Australians it would have come up? Maybe, maybe not maybe I’m just being cynical as I never seem to find much Australian content on the Web. Not completely from one country this Wiki does source information from both the U.S.A and Britain for the English language offering a ‘predictive choice’.

At a whim whilst using ‘Word’ I give the research engine a burl. No ‘Periodical Index’ here either. The Encarta Dictionary used does also give a reasonable and easily understandable description of ‘Index’ which I can also use.

One more … ‘Directory’ and as I’m particularly interested in Web 2.0  Directory (database) is my choice of search.

Satisfied with my foray into the unknown and the definitions for the task needed, I can now put this baby to bed and get on with the exercise at hand.

PS    No I haven’t been convinced on Wikis but this goes a good way towards it! he he he he
PPS I would also have liked to have seen a 'Synonyms' tab

Saturday, August 6, 2011


 NUP don't like it. Felt I kept hitting brick walls with a few 'standard' things I wanted to do. Couldn't update or use a photograph as all of the other 'advertised' users had or even an 'add to my rollyo' tool. Admittedly I tried some time after I had signed up, but surely I could have had the choice to do so at a later date. Or is it because it's ANOTHER American application and we Aussies don't have the option of doing so??? It wouldn't even let me save changes to the Searchroll I had created, althoough I was logged in it didn't recognise me. Eventually after several attempts over a period of days (not changing the way I was doing anything) it worked. Another application with glitches.

If any one is interested I am Mother Moonshine.  My Searchroll is Life Long Learning. Some URL's I have added to my roll are National Archives of Australia, National Library of Australia and their Blog 'Behind the Scenes', Hey Jude, Delicious, David Lee King, Confessions of a Curator and Librarian in Black. Thought these would be a good cross section to try as they incorporate Web 2.0 and all things 'old'. I'm sure I could add a lot more than this to my list.

Another good idea and again, not really for me on a personal level. It attempts to offer ease of use, clearly set out and uncluttered. I would like to see an Australian version and then I could visualise it being used within the library industry 'inhouse' as part of the intranet. Even as a guide on a Libraries Home page for visitors to use as a reference to interesting sites. The information could be supplied by a 'Celebrity', 'Head Librarian' of Collections , 'Researcher', 'Children's Librarian', 'Historian', 'Book Head of the Month' etc, etc... promoted in a non 'geeky' and upbeat way. Each catagorised with their own 'Searchroll'. I can also see the benefits for University students.
A more comprehensive bookmarking tool such as Delicious or the like, I feel would be better for sharing between colleagues within departments.