Sunday, August 28, 2011


The question posed is... How can Libraries use this extremely popular piece of the 21st Century? I imagine there are many ways possible and all relevant in their own unique way.

For me, when I think YouTube I think...MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC do I feel a song coming on?

On a more serious note, I came across these videos from a blog I follow. I just loved them. This is how Confessions of a Curator is using YouTube as a teaching tool for Web 2.0. It comes from the Folger Shakespeare Library who have their own YouTube Channel. How invaluable is this for information sharing amongst Conservationists, Book binders, for all manner of  restoration and the like across the world? I feel it could be utilised by a great deal more, if only there was time, money and inclination.

This video on Social Media Revolution in 2011 is great. The figures and information it presents is rather confronting if your not up with the latest. A useful tool for it's 'shock' value, that could be used in Libraries to promote the use of these new and rapidly emerging technologies; that are here to stay.
It is not the world as we know it. And all generations are embracing technology in one way or another. Whether they like it, will admit it or realise it or not.

From a popular Australian (yes I have finally found one) University Lecturer and avid blogger Hey Jude we can see her many examples of YouTube video's in her blog; which both enhance and complement the subject she is writing about.

In all I found 'YouTube', this weeks adventure into Web 2.0 well worth it. It's like Google to my mind. Anything and everything can be found here. Used as a teaching tool for Library staff, everyone including the 'readers' would benefit in so many ways. Think outside the square - there are so many different types of Library and employment skills needed in ALL aspects of this industry. It's not just about lending a book or knowing your way around a computer.
In the more financial lending libraries and especially if you have a clever arty type to make some videos, it would be a good way of enticing the 'Digital Natives' to physically come in, visit you and grab a book.    Did I just say that? Am I dreaming? It is a nice thought though.

Now when I think YouTube, I think...

Here's a bit of a ggle for you  

When there is more time and energy in my days I'll get around to editing it on YouTube. It looks like a fun thing to do.


  1. I really like your posts, Chrissie. Thanks for another stimulating one. I can almost hear you singing.
